Are We Forgetting Something? Correctly Evaluate a Recommender System With an Optimal Training Window ๐Ÿ†


Recommender systems are deployed in dynamic environments with constantly changing interests and availability of items, articles and products. The hyperparameter optimisation of such systems usually happens on a static dataset, extracted from a live system Although it is well known that the quality of a computed model highly depends on the quality of the data it was trained on, this is largely neglected in these optimisations. For example, when concept drift occurs in the data, the model is likely to learn patterns that are not aligned with the target prediction data. Interestingly, most scientific articles on recommender systems typically perform their evaluation on entire datasets, without considering their intrinsic quality or that of their parts. First, we show that using only the more recent parts of a dataset can drastically improve the performance of a recommendation system, and we pose that it should be a standard hyperparameter to be tuned prior to evaluation and deployment. Second, we find that comparing the performance of well-known baseline algorithms before and after optimising the training data window significantly changes the performance ranking.

Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2022 co-located with the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2022)
recpack evaluation
Robin Verachtert
PhD Student

Robin is a PhD student in the Adrem Data Lab at the University of Antwerp under the supervision of prof. dr. Bart Goethals.